iTero® Element™ Intraoral Scanner

The iTero Element Scanner is a state-of-the-art digital scanning system that eliminates the need for unpleasant traditional alginate impressions—no more messy putty in your mouth! With our iTero Element Scanner, we can digitally capture a detailed, 3D model of your teeth and gums. Not only is an iTero Element digital scan far more comfortable than the old putty-based impressions, but it’s faster and provides images that are more precise.

itero element desktop

Say “goodbye” to the goop-filled impression trays!

  • No goop or gag to worry about
  • Fast, accurate scan for superior diagnostics
  • Ideal for all types of braces, including Invisalign® clear aligners and retainers
  • See a simulation of your potential post-treatment smile with the Invisalign Outcome Simulator (IOSim)

During the scanning process, your orthodontist will use the iTero Element Scanner’s wand to capture images of your teeth and gum tissue. You can breathe or swallow as you normally would. You can even pause during the process if you need to sneeze or just want to ask a question.

The iTero Element Scanner will give us a 3D model of your mouth that we can use with all orthodontic services, including the Invisalign Outcome Simulator, to show you what your new smile might look like.

3D Printing

Clear aligner treatment takes the metal out of orthodontics and gives you an aesthetic treatment option that produces fantastic, lasting results.

Often with this type of treatment, aligners are created offsite and shipped to our office, where we then distribute them to you. However, using our own 3D printing capabilities, we are able to cut out the middleman and create your aligners right here in our office, enabling you to begin treatment sooner and saving you a considerable amount of time waiting for new aligners during your treatment.

To begin your clear aligner treatment, we will generate digital models of your mouth and upload the data into our treatment planning software. From there, we will formulate a treatment plan, addressing the specific movement of each tooth to attend to your smile and bite issues. Once your treatment plan is complete, we print your first set of aligners and begin your smile transformation.
Aligners created with our 3D printer are made of the same material as traditional aligners, which makes them just as strong, clear, and effective as their more time-consuming and expensive counterparts. Plus, if your treatment plan ever needs to be adjusted, or you misplace one of your aligners, we can simply re-print a new set of aligners.

3D printing is just one of the ways we are dedicated to improving your overall orthodontic experience. Through advanced technology and our expertise, you can achieve the smile you’ve always wanted — faster and more cost effectively than ever.

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